The International School of Oncoplastic Surgery has combined two leading courses into a single package for professional oncoplastic surgeons.This suite of two courses offers the highest levels (possibly internationally) of educational and skills, consisting of a full Master degree in Breast Oncoplasty with a 2-year Package of practical skills workshops.
The Masters in Breast Oncoplasty is the only course in Asia that offers training in the niche field of Breast Oncoplasty. Based on the award-winning ‘Masters’ in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Package’ conceived by the surgeons at UEA, the ‘Masters in Breast Oncoplasty’ is designed to provide cutting-edge skill to Asian surgeons. While the Package for Asia will be convened by International School of Oncoplastic Surgery based in Pune, India, the Masters in Breast Oncoplasty degree will be directly awarded to the applicants by the UEA.
Taken together, these courses provide both a professional qualification and educational experience for the trainee or experienced oncological surgeon; with advanced hands-on experience and leading edge theoretical knowledge to underpin it.
We have negotiated a competitive price with the UEA for our students and many of the surgeons who teach on the Masters course, also provide teaching on our practical course in Pune throughout the year.By taking the two courses together will provide the greatest professional and educational synergy.